
Write from your heart



Recent days have been quite different since the struggle of getting work done while closeted at home is not up my alley.

I have been thinking about writing a book for years but never got around to writing anything at all leave alone a book. But the lockdown has forced a lot of us to rethink our priorities. It is during one of these rethinking sessions that I decided to start writing and hopefully train my mind to write a book.

You might harbor the same desire and maybe looking to learn how to write a book. Well, you have stopped at the right place. Join me on a journey of book writing.

Make things happen

All this means is don’t panic, procrastinate or pander to your laziness. Tell your self you have to write, and you will write, and give yourself a deadline. All this even before you have decided what you are going to write about. Book writing is both an art and a science. Now all that is required is a burst of creativity and relentless execution to get this done.

Next is to decide on what the book is going to be about

You have to keep your ideas simple and go with what you feel strongly about. Whatever you choose to write about must be engaging and interesting. The book can be about anything — there are no rules for how a book should look or read like. There are no social, societal or legal requirements that dictate the choice of what your book will be all about. You are allowed to exercise maximum creative freedom.

Structure, form and research details should follow next

Structure — it is the arrangement of the book

Form — is how should your book be shaped — hard or soft bound, cover page, CD or other information

Research — will decide how much this book will be based on the writings and teachings of others versus your own views about things based on hearsay and firsthand experience or acquired knowledge. Please ensure that the bibliography and credits are strictly maintained and any material lifted from another composition should be based on ‘fair use’ and if the content that will go into your book is chunky, then specific written approval from the copyright holder will be necessary.

Making it happen

This is where you begin your writing journey that will require allocation of constant time and effort till the first draft is born. Here is where you will have to give it everything and you have to stay motivated. There will be days when nothing will make sense or you maybe dejected. Whatever it is, you have to get out there and write.

No typos or grammatical errors

Whatever you do, there is no scope for errors since this is a big turn off for someone who considers you an expert. A typo spotted could potentially kill a relationship forever.

Judge a cover by its book

Then is the process of carrying the script to a publisher to have it published. Initially, this might mean a lot of hassle. Most publishers will want to see the entire book — so do not make a half baked, half-hearted effort. Once a trusting relationship is established things can move really quickly towards the ‘commercials’. An important thing to decide is what the cover and backcover will look like. The cover design should be catchy.

Royalty and revenue share

Always remember if you are going out in the public domain, you will have to move fast to get the book rolling and deliver your product to the publisher strictly within the established deadline. This is important because if you are talented and respond timely that is where the magic starts to happen. At this point, you can name your terms and set realistic projections. Ask for perpetual royalty and share of the profits from the sale of the products.

Finally the book

Whatever you do, be nice to your publisher. If all goes well, you will see the $$$s.




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